Wentworth Computer Science College
Years 9 & 10 Subject Information
We have developed a curriculum for our Years 9 and 10 students that aims to give them the strongest possible foundation for their senior Cambridge Examinations at the College. Our two-year Junior School curriculum aims to provide a base from which students can venture into senior courses and, combined with offered industry qualifications, a springboard into their future careers.
Students in Years 9 & 10 study a broad curriculum while maintaining a STEM focus. They study the core subjects of English, Maths, Science and Global Perspectives (Social Science) but enjoy the additional subjects of Computer Science and ICT/Digital Media and Design. Students also benefit from a weekly life skills class as well as a 2 hour PE session.
Subjects Offered:
This subject is a core subject for students in Years 9 & 10. English is an important subject and will be required in later years for University Entrance.
Mathematics is the foundation subject of technology, and encompasses both algebra and statistics. A good grounding in this subject is important for understanding the fundamentals of Computer Science, ICT, Engineering, Chemistry, Physics and related Sciences and is another core subject.
This is a core subject that is important for specialising in other sciences in the senior years. Many technological university degree programmes require a good grounding in Physics and Chemistry and combined science will provide the foundation for these higher level subjects.
This core subject is an important social science for our junior students. Students will study various topics related to the world around them.
In Years 9 & 10 the students have a two hour session once a week. This takes a variety of forms including excursions to exhibitions, sport/games in the Domain or climbing one of the local Maunga.
This introduces students to practical skills that they can use in their every day life. Topics covered include study skills, health, financial literacy, communication skills and so on.
Students are able to choose which ‘elective’ they want to study within Computer Science; from Unity Game Design, HTML, Cyber Security, AI and many more. We aim to challenge our students and encourage them to reach their academic potential. Many of these electives can result in Industry Qualfications useful in the “real world” outside of school.
Digital Technology:
This subject will involve learning about computers and their applications. The aim of this subject will be to improve student’s overall ability to use programmes to gather and process data effectively and to learn about emerging technologies. This will include learning to use software such as Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Email as well as HTML and CSS to create websites, AI, VR and Robots.
Students will learn the fundamental principles of Computer Science and how computers work and how they are used to solve problems. Students begin with a formal Digital Literacy course in year 9 followed by an introduction to IT Fundamentals. This could lead to the CompTIA ITF+ certification.
All students also begin fundamentalprogramming in the Python Programming Language. Students develop programmingskills in line with their ability, and are exposed to fundamental programming skills, developing into advanced programming tasks.
Students also choose an elective topic to study. These are chosen from: Game Design in Unity, Cybersecurity, Competitive Programming, Cloud Computing, Machine Learning & AI, Augmented and Virtual Reality and others. These can be studied for the duration of years 9 and 10, or can be changed to get an exposure to a variety of topics.
Students will learn about using computers and software in design and art, this can include Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Character Animator, Premiere Pro or other software usage, 3-D modelling and printing. This subject will introduce students to using technology creatively to solve a problem or fulfill a client brief.